Agency Funding ================ - Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL157262, *Developing a clinical decision support tool for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of critical illness in hospitalized patients* $200,441, 2021--2026 - Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDDK 1R01DK126933, *Using Machine Learning for Early Recognition and Personalized Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury*, $82,640 2021--2026 - Eric Chan-Tin, *Realistic and Practical Website Fingerprinting*, $435,245, NSA and NCAE, 2021--2024 - George K. Thiruvatukal and Neil Klingensmith, `NSF OAC-2107020 `__, *Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Advancing Low-Power Computer Vision at the Edge*, $250,000, 2021--2024 - Geoge K. Thiruvatukal `NSF OAC-2104319 `__, *CDSE: Collaborative: Cyber Infrastructure to Enable Computer Vision Applications at the Edge Using Automated Contextual Analysis*, $209,624, 2021--2024 - Eric Chan-Tin, *Teaching Basic Cybersecurity to All*, U.S. Department of Defense, $31,023, 2021--2022 - George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), `NSF HRD-2121654 `__, *ADVANCE Adaptation: INSPIRED-Inclusive Practices in the Retention and Equity of Diverse Faculty*, $972,496, 2021--2024 - George K. Thiruvathukal (Senior Personnel), `NSF OAC-2027524 `__, *Leveraging New Data Sources to Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations*, $58,000, 2020--2022 - Eric Chan-Tin and Shelia Kennison, *SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: Personalized Cybersecurity Education and Training*, $234,654, 2019--2023. - Eric Chan-Tin and K.M. George. *REU Site: Big Data Analytics at Oklahoma State University*, $356,618, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2017--2020 - Gregory J. Matthews and George K. Thiruvathukal, `NSF DMS-1812124 `__, *Collaborative Research: Statistical Analysis of Partially Observed Shapes in Two Dimensions*, $75,028, 2018-2019 - Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NIDA R01DA051464, *Data Driven Strategies for Substance Misuse Identification in Hospitalized Patients*, $491,973, 2020--2025 - Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM010090, *Temporal relation discovery for clinical text*, $202,301, 2019--2023 - Dmitry Dligach, R01/NIH/NLM R01LM012973, *Learning Universal Patient Representations from Clinical Text with Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks*, $229,248, 2019--2022 - Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal, `NSF CNS-1738691 `__, *Collaborative Research: Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science (CAFECS)*, National Science Foundation CNS-1738691, $72,497 Loyola portion within a $2,011,529 collaboration, 2017--2021 - Catherine Putonti, *Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Genetic Diversity of Viruses through Gene Networks*, National Science Foundation, $676,340, 2017--2020 - Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee (Learning Partnership), and Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), *What Features of the Exploring Computer Science Course Equitably Inspire Students to Pursue Further Computer Science Coursework*, National Science Foundation, $599,986 to all institutions, October 2015--September 2018 - Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori (DePaul), Dale Reed (UIC), Don Yanek (CPS), Brenda Wilkerson (CPS), *Accelerate ECS4ALL*, National Science Foundation, $999,438 to all institutions, 2015--2018 - George K. Thiruvathukal, `NSF OAC-1445347 `__, *EAGER: Collaborative Research: Making Software Engineering Work for Computational Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach*, National Science Foundation, ACI-1445347, $109,549, 2014--2018 - Ronald I. Greenberg, *Collaborative Research: Type I: A Taste of Computing: Adding a CS Entree to the Education Choices in a Large Urban School District*, National Science Foundation, 2011--2015, $176,149 - Catherine Putonti, *CAREER: How do phage drive bacterial diversity in Lake Michigan near-shore waters? A bioinformatics perspective*, National Science Foundation, $706,540, 2012--2017 - Ronald I. Greenberg, William Honig, Konstantin Läufer, Catherine Putonti, and George K. Thiruvathukal, `NSF CNS-0837769 `__, *Collaborative Research: BPC-A: Improving Metropolitan Participation to Accelerate Computing Throughput and Success*, National Science Foundation, $141,711, 2008--2011 - Ronald I. Greenberg, Howard M. Laten, Kenneth W. Olsen, Carol Scheidenhelm, and Chandra N. Sekharan, *ExCEL: Excellence in Computing at Every Level*, National Science Foundation, $600,000, 2008--2013 - Peter Shillingsburg, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Steven E. Jones, `NEH HD-50782-09 `__, Humanities Research Infrastructure and Tools (HRIT): An Environment for Collaborative Textual Scholarship, $50,000, 2009--2012 - *Howard Laten, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Timothy O'Brien,\ *REU Site: Integrated Cross-disciplinary Summer Program in Bioinformatics*, National Science Foundation, $282,747, 2006--2009 - Nancy C. Tuchman, Chandra N. Sekharan, et al., *High Performance Computing in Bioinformatics*, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, $4,500,000, 2003--2005 - George K. Thiruvathukal, *Collaborative Proposal: Ultra-scalable System Software and Tools for Data-intensive Computing*, NSF/DARPA, $72,000, January 2005 -- December 2008 - Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, *South Asian Language Resource Center Mini-Grant*, $5,000, 2004 - Jerry R. Sanders, Bryan Pickett, Chandra N. Sekharan, George K. Thiruvathukal, William A. Yost, *High Performance Network Connections: HPNC for Science Research at Loyola University Chicago*, National Science Foundation, $150,000, 2002--2005 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Chandra Sekharan, and Linda Salchenberger (now with NWU SCS), *Information Technology Research: The Community Information Technology Enterprise Project*, National Science Foundation, $1,000,000, 2002--2005 - Michael Goldwasser, *Maximizing Resource Utilization through Admission Control*, National Science Foundation, $134,866, 2002--2005 - William Honig, Christine Haught, Keith Van Rhein, *TECH 37 Grant for Underprivileged High School Students*, City of Chicago, $28,000, 2003--2003 - Konstantin Läufer, Vineet Gupta, and Radha Jagadeesan, *The Triveni Project*, National Science Foundation, Software Engineering and Languages program, $154,000, 1999--2002 - Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, *Academic Equipment Grant*, Sun Microsystems, $89,000, 1999--2000 - Peter Dordal, Radha Jagadeesan, Konstantin Läufer, and Chandra Sekharan, *Instructional Lab Grant*, Microsoft, $70,000, 1996--1998 - Ronald Greenberg, *General-Purpose Parallel Architectures and Routing Schemes*, National Science Foundation, $169,470, 1994--1998 - Stephen Doty, *Representation Theory of Reductive Groups & Monoids*, National Science Foundation, $60,000, 1994--1998 - Chandra N. Sekharan, *A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees*, National Science Foundation, $15,000, July 1993 -- June 1994 - Chandra N. Sekharan, *A Study of Outstanding Issues in the Design of Algorithms for Partial K-Trees*, National Science Foundation, $36,501, July 1991 -- June 1994 Foundation Grants =================== - Eric Chan-Tin (PI), Mohammed Abuhamad, Loretta Stalans, Jennifer Forestal, Jeffrey Huntsinger. *Interdisciplinary Student Projects in Cybersecurity at Loyola University Chicago: Spreading Misinformation on Social Media and its Consequences for Trust in Government and Cybersecurity*, Scholl Foundation, $50,000, 2021--2022 - Eric Chan-Tin. *R&D Development for Well Stimulation*, $10,000, Halliburton Landmark, 2018 Industry Grants/Unrestricted Gifts =================================== - George K. Thiruvathukal, Intel, *OneAPI: Curricular Modules to Expand Systems Courses*, $40,000, 2022 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Google, *TensorFlow Models Garden Software Engineering*, $30,000, 2021 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Facebook, *Low-Power Computer Vision Competition*, $30,000, 2021 - George K. Thiruvathukal and Yung-Hsiang Lu (Purdue), Google, *Google Research Awards: Machine Perception*, $75,000, 2017 - George K. Thiruvathukal, 4C Insights, *Unrestricted gift to supportt systems research at Loyola*, $10,000, 2017 - Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal, Typesafe, *Unrestricted gift to support languages/systems research at Loyola*, $5,000, 2015 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, *Unrestricted gift to support HPC and Bioinformatics Research*, $15,000, 2009 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Microsoft, *In-kind equipment donation of computational cluster (80 nodes)*, $100,000, 2009 - William L. Honig, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. THiruvathukal, HP, *Learning the Wonders of Computing with Wireless Collaboration*, $68,000, 2007 - George K. Thiruvathukal, Hostway Corporation, *Unrestricted gift to support creation of open source laboratory*, $30,000, 2007